Anti-Spam Policy


  • In the context of electronic messaging “spam” means the sending of unsolicited messages sent over the Internet. This messaging is typically sent to a large number of users. Spam emails are predominantly commercial in nature and are used to promote products or services in a disguised manner
  • Dezrez has a zero-tolerance spam policy.

Reporting Spam

Dezrez has an obligation to report spam emails. This may result in IP addresses and domain names being blocked or blacklisted.

Reduce spam risks and filtering issues

We understand that some emails that are sent legitimately from a company may appear in a person’s spam mail. However, we strongly urge you to avoid the following to ensure all emails filter correctly:

  1. Content is added in plain text (or in addition to HTML);
  2. Keep message attachments to a minimum and instead include hyperlinks which direct to a specific URL;
  3. Terminology and text styling typically used by spammers is clearly avoided in all correspondence;
  4. Ensure that your messages are scanned for malware before dispatch.

If you believe that a legitimate message you have sent has been filtered out by our systems, please advise the message recipient by another means or contact us to discuss the cause of the filter being applied.

User spam

  • Dezrez messaging facility and any of our other services are not permitted for the use of storing, copying, or distributing spam messaging.
  • All email content is to remain in line with the subject title given. You must never use an email subject line to mislead on the content of the document.
  • Emails are to only be sent from a professional email address, set up by the company. All correspondence must include a company email indicated in the ‘From’ and ‘To’ address.

Receipt of unwanted messages from Dezrez associates

  • In the event that we receive any correspondence from a source that has received emails that are deemed as spam and do not appear to be directly from a company account, Dezrez reserve the right to pass all information to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).
  • All email correspondence must include an ‘unsubscribe’ option.
  • Should an email recipient no longer require further correspondence you are obligated to offer an ‘unsubscribe’ them to unsubscribe from your email list or if they wish to be removed from the mailing list all together you should take urgent action to ensure this happens.
  • The request to opt-out of an email list will be honored within 10 days from the date of request.


We may update this policy at any time by publishing a new version in accordance with legal changes or phrases of terminology.

Our details

Our Head Office Address: Ethos Building, Kings Road, Swansea, SA1 8AS 

Company No: 03766129 | VAT NO: 282 7055 92

Should you need to contact us our methods of contact are stated below:
  1. By post, to the postal address given above;
  2. By telephone on 0333 939 8408;
  3. Via our contact form on our website

Version 1.0