Discover the Features of Rezi Anytime

25.02.20 01:54 PM Comment(s)
What makes online estate agencies so appealing to the modern customer? It’s not the lower fees, though we will get to that in a moment. Rather, it’s the promise that no matter what time it is day or night, they will be online and ready to respond to their customers.

If a shop never closes, so the vendor reasons, then they should have that many more opportunities to sell their property. There is a certain undeniable logic to that thinking, but this comes as no surprise to the estate agent of the future like you. You already have a powerful ally in this fight for the customer’s attention. You have Rezi.

Rezi helps you keep your client in the loop 24/7 and the new client portal, Rezi Anytime, gives you even more options. No matter how busy your schedule may get with other properties, bookings, valuations, etc., Rezi Anytime gives your customers a central dashboard where they can find the latest updates on their property. From there, they can see live, real-time information on the progress of their purchase, sale, or rental.

Secure and fully customisable with your colours and branding, Rezi Anytime lets your customers be as involved as they like. The clean layout and intuitive navigation can provide them with information on upcoming viewings, paperwork that needs their attention, and even feedback. As their agent, you can choose how much or how little to show them (which is particularly useful when it comes to feedback) but Rezi Anytime tells them that you are on the job, day or night.
Cheaper Rarely Means Better

But what about those lower fees? Aren’t they the real drivers of this competition? Not really. People expect to pay for services, especially when it comes to big things like purchasing or selling a home. And as we’ve seen, once a disruptor enters the market, they invariably raise their prices after those low introductory offers have done the job of introducing them. It might surprise you to learn that the number one complaint buyers and vendors have about the process is not the fees, it’s the transparency.

It’s a stressful process and they want to know what is happening with their property as soon as it happens. Rezi Anytime gives them that, 24 hours a day. Most customers are willing to pay a reasonable fee if they believe they are getting value for their money. A quick search of complaints regarding Purple bricks fee policy should be enough to convince you that saving a few pounds just isn’t worth the peace of mind for most people.

Compete with online and hybrid agents using Rezi Anytime

Rezi anytime gives you, the local expert, an edge over the online competition. If you can combine personalised, face-to-face service with the “always on” technology of the web, you offer them assurance during uncertain times. Online agencies should be worried about how to compete with you, not the other way around.
My Dashboard

At any time of day or night, the vendor can sign into the secure area via their computer. From there, the dashboard offers them instant access to virtually all of the information on their property. From booked viewings to feedback from those appointments to photos and more, no more waiting for someone to ring them and let them know how the process is going.

The Dashboard is the central hub from which vendors can see an overview of what’s happening with their property, and it’s lightning fast. For you, the agent, it streamlines so much that you do and if done correctly a property can be on the market in as little as half an hour from the valuation.
Property Documents
My Documents

The My Documents section provides a repository for all relevant documents related to a property. From there, vendors can view and download Energy Performance Certificates, ID’s, agreements, and more all in one place. Should their agent require specific information or paperwork, the vendor can upload that here as well.

My Documents keeps everyone on the same page, so to speak, letting everyone see what documents have been provided and which may still need to be sent. And because it is connected to Rezi, all of this information is automatically updated and saved, maintaining our “one version of the truth” principle to eliminate confusion and keep accurate records.
Meet The Team
My Diary

Like the contacts section, this one is deceptively simple. On the surface, it looks like any other calendar, but as we’ve mentioned above, it can simplify the life of both agents and vendors. If, for example, the vendor only wants their property to be shown at certain times, they can list those preferences here. The agent can then tell at a glance when the property is available. No more chasing down the vendor to see if a viewing can be booked. Simply check their diary.

When a valuation is booked, that information will also be shown, letting the vendor know what to expect and when. There are even filters so you see only what you want to see. Choose from viewings, valuations, inspections, and more to avoid mistakes and confusion.
My Feedback

Vendors need to know the truth about what people are saying after viewing their property, but we all know the truth can be painful sometimes. That’s why the feedback area does not automatically update from Rezi. Instead, the agent can choose what the vendor sees in this area, allowing them to be a bit more diplomatic than the unvarnished truth might be. If they so choose, they can also simply refrain from posting certain feedback if they feel it is not constructive.

It’s a delicate process. On the one hand, vendors want to know that things are happening, but on the other hand, they may not need to know everything that is said. The feedback area gives them peace of mind by providing them with news more quickly while also giving the agent control over the process, keeping everyone updated and hopefully happy.
Property Feedback
My Messages

Here, the applicant or vendor can manage any messages and quickly see a timeline of offers viewings and valuations taken place on their properties. They can choose to be notified immediately, hours, days, or even never. They can also view reports on how their adverts are performing, see any future viewings, or refer a friend.

Under the “View Diary” heading, they can see an overview of their properties on the market, how many viewings have taken place or have been booked, as well as feedback. Again, this feedback can be curated by the agent and will not be seen by anyone other than the agent and the applicant or vendor.
My Messages
My Properties

Everything we have discussed is just as applicable to multiple listings as it would be for just one. In the My Properties section, vendors with multiple properties can keep them in order and view all of the information listed above for each individual property.

Rezi never rests, and neither do we. We are constantly updating and improving Rezi to keep your business future proof. Rezi Anytime is another example of giving you the flexibility to meet emerging trends and demands, keeping you ahead of the curve.