Cheaper Rarely Means Better
But what about those lower fees? Aren’t they the real drivers of this competition? Not really. People expect to pay for services, especially when it comes to big things like purchasing or selling a home. And as we’ve seen, once a disruptor enters the market, they invariably raise their prices after those low introductory offers have done the job of introducing them. It might surprise you to learn that the number one complaint buyers and vendors have about the process is not the fees, it’s the transparency.
It’s a stressful process and they want to know what is happening with their property as soon as it happens. Rezi Anytime gives them that, 24 hours a day. Most customers are willing to pay a reasonable fee if they believe they are getting value for their money. A quick search of complaints regarding Purple bricks fee policy should be enough to convince you that saving a few pounds just isn’t worth the peace of mind for most people.
Compete with online and hybrid agents using Rezi Anytime
Rezi anytime gives you, the local expert, an edge over the online competition. If you can combine personalised, face-to-face service with the “always on” technology of the web, you offer them assurance during uncertain times. Online agencies should be worried about how to compete with you, not the other way around.