The essential guide to keeping your data in check
- There is a danger of running in to errors when numerous sources of data extracted in to one dataset. A good data cleanse will reduce the risk.
- Using our built-in tools to clean-up data will help a great deal, as you will be able to get what you need from the data and fast!
- Clean data = Less risk of errors, resulting in happier workforce and ultimately, happy customers!
A well-known data scientist method is to split the process in to 4 stages:
- Collecting the data
- Cleaning the data
- Analysing/modelling the data
- Publishing the results to the relevant audience (i.e. your colleagues)
2. Watch out for duplicate data
Without stating the obvious, duplicate data can not only take up valuable data storage, it can confuse colleagues and in some cases, valuable information will not be recorded effectively.
3. Ensure addresses are added to the correct fields
Tech tip: There is a report in the system that will show them all of these properties (reporting dash > custom reporting > Rezi data migration prep> “properties with bad addresses” & “properties with bad postcodes” – the bad postcodes will appear in the bad addresses report too)
4. Vendor and /or Landlord details should be added to all properties
This enables the search function to work more efficiently. Otherwise, the system will have to trawl through all properties with no vendor details.
5. Ensure buyers are only attached to relevant properties
Buyers attached to more properties than relevant, makes the system crawl through more data than required.
6. Ensure all tenants attached to let properties are marked as in occupation
This tells the software that these properties need not be included in searches for potential lettings.
7. Ensure properties aren’t left in the wrong status
We get lots of properties left in valued/write up that should have been withdrawn
8. There should only be one active version of a property
9. Ensure your user list only contains users you still need
We find that lots of accounts get marked as disabled. This means that nobody can use them and they never end up being deleted. These accounts will be migrated but they still cannot be accessed as the migration doesn’t create a full login. This is effectively considered bad data. It will count towards your Rezi user allowance which is a waste of good data!
10. You can clean up your contacts
More than likely, there are contacts on your system that never progressed from the enquiry stage. Removing these on a routine basis can certainly help to keep your data requirements to the minimum.